Consumer Products

Find out China consumer stats insights including Chinese consumer behavior, china consumer price index, china consumer confidence, etc.

China FMCG Market Trends 2024

Kantar Worldpanel has released its “2024 Brand Footprint Report” detailing the top 50 most chosen brands in China’s fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) market. The report

China’s Top 50 Global Brands for 2024

The latest report from Kantar BrandZ, “2024 China’s Top 50 Global Brands,” highlights the dynamic growth and global reach of Chinese brands. The study, which

Top Chinese FMCG Brands 2023

Kantar Worldpanel, CTR’s partner in China, has unveiled its eleventh annual Global Brand Footprint Report, ranking brands in China’s rapidly changing consumer goods market for

China household consumption trends

In 2022, the per capita consumption expenditure of the national residents in China was 24,538 yuan, a nominal increase of 1.8% over the previous year,

CIW eBooks

eBook: Win Chinese Market with Content

[tabby title=”Overview”] This eBook shares three trends of digital content consumption in China, China’s digital content ecosystem, and how content help businesses in branding and

eBook: China E-Commerce Factories

[tabby title=”Overview”] E-commerce factory is the collaboration of the manufacturing industry and the internet. Under the circumstances of retail sector being depressed while the traffic

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